We have developed key aspects of our regulatory approach in consultation with higher education stakeholders. We recognise that consultation influences the quality of our relations with the higher education sector and can be an important way of collecting evidence which allows us to meet the objects of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act).
Current consultations
There are no current consultations at TEQSA.
Previous consultations
Interim regulatory guidance
(Closed 27 March 2025)
TEQSA is seeking feedback on new regulatory guidance that has been developed to support safety and wellbeing in higher education.
TEQSA is consulting on 2 documents:
- Interim statement of regulatory expectations: Student grievance and complaint mechanisms (PDF, 183 KB)
- Interim guidance: Managing external actors (PDF, 148 KB).
Fees and charges consultation
(Closed 28 October 2024)
In accordance with the Australian Government Charging Policy, TEQSA annually reviews the operation of our Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS).
Following an internal review of the 2023 version of the CRIS, TEQSA has developed a consultation paper for the sector.
This paper outlines several proposed adjustments to ensure our fees and charges (to take effect from 1 January 2025) accurately reflect the cost of our regulatory activities.
Revised service charter
(Closed 20 May 2024)
TEQSA commenced a service charter review in early 2023. The first phase of consultation was a stakeholder survey about our service charter in August 2023.
We’ve now developed a revised service charter informed by the survey results.
This was the second phase of consultation and sought further feedback from stakeholders.
Draft stakeholder engagement strategy
(Closed 20 May 2024)
To support the development of a draft stakeholder engagement strategy.
- Draft stakeholder engagement strategy consultation paper (MS Word, 160 KB)
Fit and proper person requirements
(Closed 20 May 2024)
Consultation for a proposal to amend the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Fit and Proper Person Determination 2018 (Determination).
- Download the consultation paper (MS Word, 157 KB)
Guidance notes on diversity and equity, student grievances and complaints, and wellbeing and safety
(Closed 15 March 2024)
In 2023, TEQSA consulted stakeholders on the following guidance notes:
- Diversity and equity
- Student grievances and complaints
- Wellbeing and safety.
These notes focus on 3 sections of the Threshold Standards that are unified in their intent to protect and provide support to students. TEQSA sought further stakeholder feedback that identified:
- what additional information can be included in the guidance note to make it useful and up to date
- any points or areas that require clarity
- suggestions to assist providers in delivering effective self-assurance.
Guidance notes on Staffing, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Monitoring and Accountability
(Closed 9 February 2024)
To support TEQSA’s ongoing work to improve the efficiency of our regulatory operations and support greater self-assurance within the higher education sector, we are continuing to enhance TEQSA’s suite of guidance notes for higher education providers.
- Corporate governance
- Corporate monitoring and accountability
- Staffing
Guidance notes on course design, learning outcomes and assessment and learning resources and educational support
(Closed 20 November 2023)
To support TEQSA’s ongoing work to improve the efficiency of our regulatory operations and support greater self-assurance within the higher education sector, we are continuing to enhance TEQSA’s suite of guidance notes for registered higher education providers.
- Course design
- Learning outcomes and assessment
- Learning resources and educational support
Assessment reform for the age of artificial intelligence
(Closed 20 October 2023)
TEQSA invited feedback on the proposals outlined in the Assessment reform for the age of artificial intelligence discussion paper, including the principles and propositions.
At the end of the consultation period, TEQSA and the lead authors of this document will consider all feedback received before publishing the final guidelines in late November 2023.
If you have any questions about this consultation, or the guiding principles, please email us at integrityunit@teqsa.gov.au.
Fees and charges consultation
(Closed 25 September 2023)
In accordance with the Australian Government Charging Policy, TEQSA annually reviews the operation of our Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS).
Following an internal review of the 2022 version of the CRIS, TEQSA developed a consultation paper for the sector. This paper outlined several proposed adjustments to ensure our fees and charges for 2024 accurately reflect the cost of our regulatory activities and the changes we’ve made to streamline processes since the 2022 version of the CRIS was developed.
- Download the consultation paper (PDF, 1.3 MB)
See: How we consult on fees and charges for more information
Service charter review survey
(Survey closed 25 September 2023)
Insights from the survey will help us to develop a draft service charter, which we will release for further comment at a later date. Following this consultation, TEQSA will consider stakeholder feedback before adopting our revised service charter.
See: Service charter review for more information.
Guidance notes on facilities and infrastructure, academic monitoring and academic and research integrity
(Closed 10 August 2023)
To support TEQSA’s ongoing work to improve the efficiency of our regulatory operations and support greater self-assurance within the higher education sector, we are continuing to enhance TEQSA’s suite of guidance notes for registered higher education providers.
- Academic and research integrity
- Academic monitoring, review and improvement
- Facilities and infrastructure (Summary of external consultation on Guidance Note: Facilities and infrastructure, PDF, 173 KB)
Consultation for sexual harm good practice note
(Closed 13 July 2023)
Since the release of the Good Practice Note: Preventing and responding to sexual assault and sexual harassment in the Australian higher education sector (the 2020 good practice note), TEQSA acknowledges there has been significant work across the sector to embed strategies to prevent and respond to sexual assault and sexual harassment, however, the issue remains a key risk.
- Sexual harm good practice note consultation (MS Word, 159 KB)
Guidance notes on diversity and equity, student grievances and complaints, and wellbeing and safety
(Closed 13 July 2023)
To support TEQSA’s ongoing work to improve the efficiency of our regulatory operations and support greater self-assurance within the higher education sector, we are continuing to enhance TEQSA’s suite of guidance notes for registered higher education providers.
- Diversity and Equity
- Student Grievances and Complaints
- Wellbeing and Safety
Guidance notes on academic governance, recognition of prior learning, and delivery with other parties
(Closed 7 March 2023)
To support TEQSA’s ongoing work to improve the efficiency of our regulatory operations and support greater self-assurance within the higher education sector, we are continuing to enhance TEQSA’s suite of guidance notes for registered higher education providers.
- Summary of external consultation on Guidance Note: Academic Governance (PDF, 163 KB)
- Summary of external consultation on Guidance Notes: Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning and Delivery with Other Parties (PDF, 180 KB)
Consultation for proposed amendments to Register Guidelines
(Closed 16 December 2022)
TEQSA has commenced a consultation process for proposed amendments to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (Register) Guidelines 2017 (Register Guidelines).
The reason for the proposed amendments is to promote transparency regarding TEQSA's regulatory decisions and actions and remove any doubt about which trading names the Register must include in respect of registered providers' higher education operations.
Summary of feedback
TEQSA received two submissions during the consultation period.
Both submissions supported the inclusion of the additional information proposed in the consultation paper. One submission opposed the removal of previous trading names and the other supported it (while noting that this information may be useful to future students).
Guidance Note: Research requirements for Australian universities
(Closed 7 September 2022)
To support TEQSA’s ongoing work to improve the efficiency of our regulatory operations and support greater self-assurance within the higher education sector, we are enhancing TEQSA’s suite of guidance notes for registered higher education providers.
This work will reinforce the role of guidance notes to provide guidance that focuses on a specific section of the Higher Education Standards Framework (2021) while drawing attention to connections with other sections and highlighting potential compliance issues.
Following sector feedback during consultation last year, this project will ultimately reduce the number of guidance notes from 32 to 28 to ensure each guidance note aligns with a section of the Standards framework. Sector feedback has also informed the development of a new, simpler template for guidance notes.
The draft guidance note outlines what TEQSA will look for when considering university research in relation to requirements outlined in the TEQSA Act and Higher Education Standards Framework (2021).
Summary of external consultation
- Download the summary of external consultation (PDF, 167 KB)
Revised Guidance Note: Research and Research Training
(Closed 6 July 2022)
To support TEQSA’s ongoing work to improve the efficiency of our regulatory operations and support greater self-assurance within the higher education sector, we are enhancing TEQSA’s suite of guidance notes for registered higher education providers.
This work will reinforce the role of guidance notes to provide guidance that focuses on a specific section of the Higher Education Standards Framework (2021) while drawing attention to connections with other sections and highlighting potential compliance issues.
Following sector feedback during consultation last year, this project will ultimately reduce the number of guidance notes from 32 to 28 to ensure each guidance note aligns with a section of the Standards framework. Sector feedback has also informed the development of a new, simpler template for guidance notes.
The Guidance Note outlines, with regard to the Higher Education Standards Framework, what TEQSA will look for and common issues associated with Research and Research Training.
Register and information guidelines
(Closed 26 November 2021)
The Register Guidelines is a legislative instrument that sets out the information that TEQSA must enter on the National Register in respect of each registered higher education provider.
The Information Guidelines is a legislative instrument that sets out the Commonwealth authorities and the State or Territory authorities to which TEQSA may disclose higher education information under sections 189 and 194 of the TEQSA Act.
Revised compliance guides
(Closed 10 November 2021)
On 1 July 2021 the new Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (HESF) came into effect.
TEQSA is reviewing the current suite of guidance notes to ensure they reflect the requirements of the new HESF.
As part of this review, TEQSA developed a new template to streamline our guidance materials.
TEQSA fees and charges consultation
(Closed 3 June 2021)
On 30 April 2021, TEQSA released the TEQSA Fees and Charges Consultation Paper for feedback from the sector. The consultation paper outlined the details of TEQSA’s proposed approach for transitioning to the new cost recovery arrangements.
Draft legislative instrument
(Closed 28 April 2021)
In February 2021, the Australian Parliament passed the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Provider Category Standards and Other Measures) Bill 2020. The Bill gives effect to the Australian Government’s decision to implement all 10 recommendations arising from the Provider Category Standards review conducted in 2019.
Among other things, the Bill amends the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act) to allow TEQSA to make a determination of the matters which it must have regard to when assessing the quality of the research undertaken by a provider which is registered, or applies to be registered, in the Australian University category. By approval from the Minister, this determination becomes a legislative instrument.
TEQSA proposes to make a determination which sets out a number of matters which are relevant to an assessment of research quality. The list is non-exhaustive and does not specify benchmarks or thresholds for quality; it is a determination of considerations in an assessment of research quality.
Discussion paper: Making and assessing claims of scholarship and scholarly activity
(Closed 14 December 2020)
TEQSA sought to review whether its current approach to assessing claims of scholarship and scholarly activity (as described in the Guidance Note on Scholarship) is adequate, or if the approach needs to be reconceptualised. The purpose of this discussion paper was to set out, for consideration by the sector and other stakeholders, draft principles that were proposed to guide providers in making claims related to scholarship, and to inform TEQSA’s assessments of such claims.
Information Guidelines
(Closed 27 March 2020)
TEQSA sought feedback on the Commonwealth, State and Territory bodies that we proposed to include in an update to our Information Guidelines.
The Information Guidelines is a legislative instrument that sets out the Commonwealth authorities and the State or Territory authorities to which TEQSA may disclose higher education information under sections 189 and 194 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011.
Fit and proper person considerations
(Closed 1 December 2017)
As a consequence of the passing of the Education Legislative Amendment (Provider Integrity and Other Measures) Act 2017, TEQSA is able to specify matters that the agency may have regard to in deciding whether a person is a fit and proper person for the purposes of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011.
Sector consultation on proposed changes to the publication of TEQSA’s decisions
(Closed 14 March 2017)
TEQSA sought feedback, via a consultation paper, on the proposed changes to the publication of regulatory decisions.
The consultation focused on proposed changes to the frequency and way we published decisions.
Questions about whether we should publish more information, including rejections, involve an important balance between the interests of higher education providers, students and other stakeholders.
The developments in our practices and in the approaches of other agencies meant that it was timely to revisit these issues.
We proposed that a simplified set of principles be adopted, informed by approaches of other Australian Government agencies, to guide our future approach.
As part of the consultation process, we will carefully consider all feedback before we make any changes to our approach. We are committed to ensuring that all stakeholders have an opportunity to provide us with their views.
Summary of consultation
Principles of consultation
Our approach to consultation is guided by the regulatory principles of: reflecting risk, proportionality and necessity. Our consultations are also guided by the principles outlined in TEQSA’s approach to consultation.