Service charter review



Our service charter sets out our commitment to everyone who deals with us. This includes higher education providers, current and prospective students at Australian higher education providers, members of the public, employers, government agencies, other regulators and peak bodies with responsibility for representing the sector we regulate.

TEQSA's service charter acknowledges these different relationships and commits to a number of principles for responsive service.

Our service charter was last updated in July 2020. Following feedback from the sector received in 2022 and early 2023, we commenced a service charter review in August 2023. The first phase of this review was to consult with the sector via a survey.

Feedback collected from the survey has been used to inform the development of a revised service charter, which is now being shared for further consultation.

This consultation closes at 5pm (AEST) on Monday 20 May 2024.

Relationship with the fees and charges consultation 

Our service charter was last updated in July 2020. Since then, TEQSA has transitioned to an increased cost recovery model in accordance with the Australian Government Cost Recovery Policy

Given the relationship between our application-based regulatory activities for higher education providers and our service charter, we considered it timely to commence this review alongside our annual fees and charges and consultation, which concluded on 25 September 2023. 

See: Fees and charges consultation

Summary of 2023 survey feedback

In August and September 2023, TEQSA sought feedback from stakeholders about its service charter and the updates that should be made to it.

We received feedback from 46 stakeholders that included peak provider bodies, providers, professional and academic staff at providers, a student and student organisation representative and an overseas higher education regulator or quality assurance agency.

Below is a summary of the feedback we received about our service charter and our actions in response to that feedback.

2023 survey feedback Action Rationale
92% of respondents supported the principles of quality service already included in the service charter Maintained the principles of quality service. Supported by stakeholders and reflects TEQSA’s views on principles of quality service.
91% of respondents supported including the deadlines legislated for responding to or reviewing applications to TEQSA Have added the applicable legislated deadlines to the service charter. Provides transparency about the applicable legislative deadlines TEQSA must meet.
85% supported incorporating TEQSA’s values of trust, respect, accountability, and collaboration (TRAC) into the service charter Have incorporated TEQSA’s TRAC values into the service charter. Reflects TEQSA’s organisational values in the service charter and are consistent with the APS values.
84% supported including expectations in the service charter based on the needs of different stakeholder groups. Expectations for different stakeholder groups are set out across the service charter. Provides clarity to a range of stakeholders on what to expect when they engage with TEQSA.
Some stakeholders suggested timeframes for responses be included in the service charter and that greater detail be provided regarding these timeframes and responses. Timeframes and greater details about different sources of responses are included as appropriate.

Recognising stakeholders seek a responsive service, TEQSA may update these targets and timeframes in subsequent reviews as its regulatory approach matures and strategic projects are realised.
Provides greater clarity to stakeholders about what they may reasonably expect in interactions with TEQSA.
A stakeholder suggested TEQSA measures stakeholder satisfaction as part of its continuous improvement process. Maintaining information about how TEQSA uses stakeholder feedback via mechanisms such as the annual stakeholder survey to inform continuous improvement. Helps stakeholders understand how TEQSA will source information to continuously improve its service.
A stakeholder suggested TEQSA makes providers more aware of updates to guidance and other website notifications related to compliance. TEQSA will continue to apply focus to communicating updates via existing media channels to ensure providers remain up to date on changes in guidance or other related materials. TEQSA seeks to ensure providers are aware of current guidance they may refer to in ensuring compliance with relevant obligations.
A stakeholder suggested TEQSA only uses experts with relevant skills and experience for assessments. TEQSA has not included information about experts within its service charter. This issue is independent of TEQSA’s service charter and goes to the quality of experts procured. TEQSA reviews the qualifications and experience of experts prior to their listing on our experts register and considers the quality of experts reports produced when deciding whether to continue to use particular experts to assess applications for accreditation or registration.
A stakeholder suggested TEQSA embeds the service charter on the website. TEQSA has embedded its existing service charter on the website and will continue to update it at this location as required: TEQSA service charter. TEQSA wants its service charter to be accessible to stakeholders.

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Contact us

If you have any questions about this review, please email us at  

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