TEQSA’s work to support social cohesion and safety in higher education

TEQSA is working to develop updated guidance to support compliance with provider obligations under the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.

Our work is focused on supporting universities and other higher education providers to assure themselves that discussion around contested ideas does not risk student and staff wellbeing and safety, while being cognisant of the sector’s commitment to freedom of speech and academic freedom.

This is part of TEQSA’s ongoing work to improve system responses to these issues within Australia’s higher education sector.

TEQSA’s current work is focused on:

  • identifying and sharing best practice
  • updating guidance materials for higher education providers
  • developing statements of regulatory expectations about student grievances and complaints processes and academic adjustment/special consideration policies
  • continuing to engage with stakeholders including students, providers and other government agencies and experts.

Roundtable meetings

To support the development of updated guidance, TEQSA held roundtable meetings in October and November 2024, and February 2025.

Invitees to these meetings include universities, students and other stakeholders, including the National Student Ombudsman, Australian Human Rights Commission, Universities Australia, the Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism in Australia and the Special Envoy to Combat Islamophobia in Australia.

TEQSA social cohesion roundtable with vice-chancellors on 31 October 2024

TEQSA social cohesion roundtable with university managers on 15 November 2024

Details regarding the 25 February 2025 roundtable meeting will be published in due course.

Guidance materials

TEQSA opened consultation for 2 interim regulatory guidance materials on Thursday 6 March 2025.

Stay informed

Updates on this work, including consultation opportunities, will be communicated via TEQSA’s website, our monthly e-News and social media channels. Be sure to sign up to our e-News to keep informed.

If you have any questions about this work, please email socialcohesion@teqsa.gov.au.

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