Guidance note: Research requirements for Australian universities

The undertaking of research that leads to new knowledge and original creative endeavour, together with research training, represents a fundamental and defining feature for any higher education provider seeking status as an Australian University.

TEQSA and the Australian Qualifications Framework: Questions and answers

Effective from 1 January 2017

Providers should note that Guidance Notes are intended to provide guidance only. They are not definitive or binding documents. Nor are they prescriptive. The definitive instruments for regulatory purposes remain the TEQSA Act and the Higher Education Standards Framework as amended from time to time.

Guidance note: Financial assessment

The financial status of a higher education provider can significantly affect its ability to support quality in its higher education delivery to students.

Guidance note: Financial standing

Financial standing relates to the core financial information a stakeholder would need access to in order to make an informed decision about whether to enter into an agreement with a higher education provider.

Guidance note: Monitoring and analysis of student performance

While many higher education providers monitor and analyse student performance data in some form, TEQSA has identified that, in many instances, student performance data could be enhanced and used more effectively by providers to identify problems and risks early.

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