Guidance note: Nested courses of study

Nested courses is interpreted to mean a set of courses of study that are offered sequentially and can lead to qualifications at different Australian Qualifications Framework levels.

Guidance note: Research and research training

Research is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way by a higher education provider so as to generate new concepts, methodologies, inventions and understandings.

Guidance note: Workforce planning

Workforce Planning is a term used for the collective processes that are used by an organisation to plan, establish, develop, maintain and optimise its staffing profile to achieve its objectives.

Guidance note: Academic governance

Academic governance is the framework of policies, structures, relationships, systems and processes that collectively provide leadership to and oversight of a higher education provider’s academic activities at an institutional level.

Guidance note: Diversity and equity

The terms diversity and equity refer broadly to the creation of equivalent opportunities for access and success in Australian higher education for historically disadvantaged or underrepresented student populations.

Guidance note: Academic leadership

For regulatory purposes, TEQSA sees academic leadership as a complex system of interrelated and interdependent elements that, together, support leadership of academic matters.

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