Provider The Cairnmillar Institute Status Registered, registration renewal date 09/06/2025 Conditions No
Provider The Tax Institute Status Registration withdrawn by provider, effective 11/05/2022 Conditions No
Provider Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Status Registered, registration renewal date 04/08/2025 Conditions No Provider trading name RMIT University Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider Leaders Institute Pty Ltd Status Registered, ongoing pending renewal Conditions No Provider trading name Australian Agribusiness Institute, Australian Business Institute, Leaders Institute Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider Harvest Bible College Ltd Status Registration withdrawn by provider, effective 26/04/2018 Conditions No Provider trading name Harvest Bible College Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider Nova Anglia College Pty Ltd Status Registered, registration renewal date 21/02/2029 Conditions Yes Provider trading name Nova Anglia College Pty Ltd Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider CIC Higher Education Pty Ltd (formerly Cambridge International College (Vic) Pty Ltd) Status Registered, registration renewal date 19/08/2025 Conditions Yes Provider trading name CIC Higher Education Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider The National Institute of Dramatic Art Status Registered, registration renewal date 24/06/2025 Conditions No Provider trading name National Institute of Dramatic Art, NIDA Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider ACPE Limited Status Registered, registration renewal date 17/09/2025 Conditions No Provider trading name The Australian College of Physical Education Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider Acknowledge Education Pty Ltd Status Registered, ongoing pending renewal Conditions Yes Provider trading name Australian Surf Industry Training School, Front Cooking School, Melbourne Language Centre, Affectors Academy, Stott's Colleges Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider Swinburne University of Technology Status Registered, registration renewal date 30/04/2025 Conditions No Provider trading name Swinburne University of Technology Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider Carrick Higher Education Pty Ltd Status Registration withdrawn by provider, effective 30/06/2014 Conditions No Provider trading name Carrick Higher Education Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider University of New South Wales Status Registered, registration renewal date 20/12/2025 Conditions No Provider trading name UNSW Sydney Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider Edith Cowan University Status Registered, registration renewal date 17/04/2026 Conditions No Provider trading name Edith Cowan University Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider ACAP University College Pty Ltd (formerly Navitas Professional Institute Pty Ltd) Status Registered, registration renewal date 17/07/2031 Conditions No Provider trading name Australian College of Applied Professions, ACAP University College, Australian College of Applied Psychology Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider Australasian Academy of Higher Education (formerly Global Academy of Technology Pty Ltd) Status Registered, registration renewal date 30/01/2028 Conditions Yes Provider trading name Global Academy of Technology (GAT), Australasian Academy of Higher Education Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
Provider Global Leadership Institute PTY LTD Status Registered, registration renewal date 18/07/2028 Conditions Yes Provider trading name Global Leadership Institute, Australian Cybersecurity Institute Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.