We cannot take action on concerns that are outside our regulatory responsibility.
TEQSA uses complaints to inform its assessment of providers’ compliance. TEQSA’s functions are established under section 134 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 and includes collecting, analysing, interpreting and disseminating information relating to higher education providers, regulated awards quality assurance practices and quality improvement, and the Higher Education Standards Framework.
TEQSA is not a complaints resolution body and typically does not have a role in addressing individual complainants’ requests or grievances. The National Student Ombudsman is a free service that helps to resolve complaints between higher education students and their provider.
We prioritise broader systemic issues and are unlikely to pursue matters that:
- are one-off, isolated events, unless the conduct involves wider implications for students, staff, the quality or reputation of the higher education sector
- have not been considered through the providers own complaint handling processes
- are solely for the purpose of obtaining redress for students or staff, unless there is clear evidence of deficiencies in the provider’s own complaint handling processes.
All providers are required to have complaints processes and the option for an independent third-party review. The provider’s complaints processes and independent third-party review are in place to assist individuals to receive a timely and effective resolution with the provider. If you are not satisfied with your provider's handling of your complaint, you can contact the relevant third-party complaints resolution body (your provider will be able to provide you with the details) or the National Student Ombudsman.
When to go directly to the provider
Some examples of matters outside our responsibility that should be raised with the provider are:
- matters of academic judgement, such as examination results
- requests for providers to re-mark work
- disputes with the provider about recognition of prior learning
- guidance on interpreting a provider’s policies and procedures
- concerns regarding fees, refunds or cancellations, scholarships/financial assistance.
When to go to another organisation
Some examples of matters outside our responsibility that should be raised with another organisation are:
- help to resolve student complaints about the actions taken by a higher education provider
for example, if you are not satisfied with the way your higher education provider has handled a complaint – refer National Student Ombudsman
- concerns about a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course
for example, a VET course with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) – refer to ASQA
- complaints regarding fees, refunds or cancellations
refer to the ACCC website for information about where to get consumer help
- matters relating to HELP loans, including FEE-HELP
refer to StudyAssist
- matters relating to VET FEE-HELP or VET Student Loans
refer to the VET Student Loans Commonwealth Ombudsman
- complaints about migration agents
refer to the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority
- matters relating to student visa requirements or to report suspicious activities relating to immigration or citizenship
refer to Home Affairs website about how to raise these type of concerns.