TEQSA regulator performance framework report 2017–2018

TEQSA is required to self-assess its performance, and then obtain external validation of that self-assessment. The Higher Education Standards Panel has provided this external validation and the TEQSA accountable authority has certified the report.

TEQSA and professional accreditation bodies forum – Melbourne

The Professional Accreditation Bodies Forum was convened as an opportunity for TEQSA to receive feedback directly from professional accrediting bodies about the ways in which we can work together to effectively reduce duplication and streamline accreditation processes.

Occasional Forum Series: Quality assurance of online learning

The Quality Assurance of Online Learning Forum was convened as an opportunity for higher education providers and TEQSA to examine the quality assurance landscape and emerging trends associated with online learning and its delivery in the Australian higher education sector.

TEQSA's approach to sector engagement

Engagement provides us with opportunities to understand issues impacting the sector, and to consult on regulatory initiatives and changes.

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