Perth Bible College Inc
Provider name
Perth Bible College Inc
Provider trading name
Asia-Pacific School of Pastoral Care and Counselling, Perth Bible College
Some providers use a trading name to deliver courses to students rather than their legal/business name.
52 599 089 532
An ABN (Australian Business Number) is a unique number that identifies a business to the government and community. It is used for various tax and business purposes.
Provider ID
Head Office Address
1 College Court, KARRINYUP WA 6018
Registration information
Registered, registration renewal date 29/06/2029
Institute of Higher Education
Registration Period
7 years - maximum allowable period
If any regulatory conditions are applicable to this provider, they can be found in the Courses or Regulatory Decisions sections
If any regulatory conditions are applicable to this provider, they can be found in the Courses or Regulatory Decisions sections
Self Accrediting Authority
Registered higher education providers may be authorised by TEQSA to self-accredit courses of study.
CRICOS Registration Code
CRICOS (Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students). Educational institutions can only enrol and deliver education services to students in Australia on a student visa if they are registered on CRICOS.
QILT link
The QILT (Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching) website provides prospective students with relevant and transparent information about Australian higher education institutions from the perspective of recent students and graduates.
Active courses
Course name | Current conditions | Status |
Undergraduate Certificate in Biblical Studies | No | Accredited, renewal date 30/06/2025 |
Undergraduate Certificate in Ministry | No | Accredited, renewal date 30/06/2025 |
Undergraduate Certificate in Pastoral Counselling | No | Accredited, renewal date 30/06/2025 |
Graduate Diploma of Ministry (formerly Graduate Diploma of Bible and Ministry) | No | Accredited, renewal date 27/06/2030 |
Bachelor of Ministry | No | Accredited, renewal date 27/06/2030 |
Associate Degree of Ministry | No | Accredited, renewal date 27/06/2030 |
Diploma of Counselling | No | Accredited, renewal date 10/02/2030 |
Diploma of Ministry | No | Accredited, renewal date 27/06/2030 |
Inactive courses
Course name | Current conditions | Status |
Advanced Diploma of Ministry (formerly Advanced Diploma of Christian Ministry) | No | Accreditation expired, effective 14/11/2023 |
Regulatory decisions
There are currently no conditions applicable to this provider.