To help broaden and deepen your understanding of successful approaches to developing a culture of academic integrity, this page features links to case studies from around Australia, other academic integrity resources and research projects.
Case studies
- Making academic integrity visible through an eyecatching website (making academic integrity visible) (Alison Reedy, Amanda Janssen, Alison Lockley, Helen Rysavy and Penny Wurm, Charles Darwin University) (PDF, 230 KB)
- Reimagining educational approaches to academic integrity (Alison Reedy, Amanda Janssen, Alison Lockley and Penny Wurm, Charles Darwin University) (PDF, 362 KB)
- Creating academic integrity resources for rapid online delivery (Christine Slade, The University of Queensland) (PDF, 181 KB)
- Linking values and virtues to academic integrity (Marie Chittleborough, EQUALS International) (PDF, 169 KB)
- Maintaining academic integrity in an online environment (Margot McNeill, Jonathan Hvaal, Alexander Roper and Trevor Clark, International College of Management Sydney) (PDF, 37 KB)
- Using an online training module to improve awareness of and attitudes towards academic integrity and plagiarism (Helen Correia, Murdoch University) (PDF, 39 KB)
Academic integrity projects
- Academic integrity in Australia – understanding and changing culture and practice (2015), led by Macquarie University
- Investigating the efficacy of culturally specific academic literacy and academic honesty resources for Chinese students (2010), led by Victoria University
- Plagiarism and related issues in assessment not involving text (2015), led by The University of Newcastle
- Web 2.0 authoring tools in higher education: new directions for assessment and academic integrity (2011), led by The University of Melbourne
- Working from the Centre: Supporting unit and course coordinators to implement academic integrity policies, resources and scholarship (2014), led by Victoria University