Revoke and vary registration conditions 10 May 2019
Provider: Charles Sturt University
Revocation and variation of registration conditions
Report on revocation and variation of conditions imposed on registration of Charles Sturt University
On 10 May 2019 a delegate of TEQSA made the following decisions, under section 32 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), in relation to conditions imposed on the registration of Charles Sturt University (refer to public report of 3 April 2019):
- Revoke Condition 5.
- Vary Condition 3 to read as follows:
Condition 3. Academic Governance Processes
- By 28 February of each year of registration, CSU must provide TEQSA with a report on the implementation of the recommendations arising from the 2018 external review of academic governance. The report must demonstrate progress toward implementation of the recommendations against deadlines.
- By 1 August of each year of registration, CSU must provide TEQSA with evidence of a comprehensive analysis of breaches of academic integrity at the CSU Study Centres operated by SGA, and proposed actions to address underlying issues and to ensure academic quality. This evidence must demonstrate that the analysis and the actions have been considered and approved by the Academic Senate and the Council.
- Vary Condition 6 to read as follows:
Condition 6. Scholarship Activities of Staff at the CSU Study Centres
CSU must:
- by 30 September 2019, conduct an external and independent review of the scholarly outputs for all teaching staff and staff with oversight of teaching at the CSU Study Centres operated by SGA. The name and details of the professional experience of the proposed external reviewer along with the terms of reference and timeframe for the review are to be provided to TEQSA for approval within 30 days from the date CSU is notified of this decision
- by 29 November 2019, provide TEQSA with a copy of the report of the external review of scholarly activities of staff at the CSU Study Centres operated by SGA and matching action plan (addressing any need for improvements) as approved by the Council
- by 30 August of each year of registration after 2019, provide TEQSA with a progress report on the implementation of the action plan in Condition 6b.
Main reasons for the decision
TEQSA made the decision to revoke Condition 5 on the basis that TEQSA was satisfied that Condition 5a and 5b had been met, on the basis of the evidence submitted by the University on 9 May 2019, and that Condition 5c could be dealt with by a variation to Condition 3.
The decision to vary Conditions 3 and 6 was made on the basis that TEQSA was satisfied that the variations were appropriate, following discussions between TEQSA and the University after the decision to impose conditions on the registration of the University.