Re-registration 26 April 2018
Provider: University of Southern Queensland
Renewal of registration
Report on renewal of registration of University of Southern Queensland (USQ)
On 26 April 2018, TEQSA:
- renewed, under section 36 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), the registration of the University of Southern Queensland in the category of Australian University, for a period of seven years until 26 April 2025.
- imposed, under section 32 of the TEQSA Act, one condition on the registration of the University of Southern Queensland.
Condition 1: Governance and accountability reporting obligations
By 30 September in 2019, 2020 and 2021 USQ must provide TEQSA with a copy of the approved minutes of each meeting of its Council and Academic Board for the previous 12 months. These minutes must:
- For the minutes of the Council, demonstrate that the governing Council has monitored and reviewed:
- the effectiveness of its delegations, including regular reporting on the roles and effectiveness of delegations for academic governance (including the monitoring of teaching and research performance data) and consideration of the annual self-review of the Academic Board;
- the effectiveness of risk management, including the consideration and approval of a risk register which specifically addresses risks associated with the delivery of educational services through external parties.
- For the minutes of the Academic Board, demonstrate that:
- the Academic Board regularly receives a comprehensive diagnostic analysis of rates and trends for student attrition, progression, and minimum time completion rates, for each higher education course USQ offers each semester. The analysis must include accurate data on student attrition, completion, progression, grade distribution and include analysis by:
- entry path (comparing students admitted under each entry pathway, including by external partner);
- study mode (online, on campus, supported external delivery)
- education agent;
- country of origin;
- referral to and uptake of student support (including participation in formal study support programs); and
- student achievement in similar courses at other Australian universities.
- the Academic Board develops comprehensive action plans to address any issues identified through the comprehensive diagnostic analysis in accordance with 1(b)(i), and undertakes periodic monitoring of the effectiveness of any interventions.
- the Academic Board reviews its own performance and the effectiveness of its role in academic governance, including:
- course accreditation, academic quality, and assurance of learning;
- an annual self-review; and
- consideration of these matters in light of teaching and research performance data.
Main reasons for the decision
TEQSA made the decision to renew the provider's registration on the basis that it was satisfied that the University of Southern Queensland continues to meet the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2011.
TEQSA made the decision to impose one condition in light of risks that the University of Southern Queensland may not continue to meet the following provisions of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2011:
- Provider Registration Standard 3.8 in relation to corporate and academic governance, especially with regard to delivery with other parties.
- Provider Registration Standard 4.5 in relation to effective systems for overseeing the education quality and academic outcomes of students enrolled through arrangements with other parties.
- Provider Registration Standard 5.6 in relation to sufficiently detailed cohort analysis to enable appropriate comparison and benchmarking of performance on teaching and learning outcomes.
TEQSA considers that following the re-shaping of the governance structure in January 2018, the University of Southern Queensland is making good progress in developing a detailed analysis and reporting structure to enable the University to carry out detailed analysis of student performance and implement timely and appropriate support.
TEQSA's assessment considered the University of Southern Queensland's arrangements for delivery at its Australian and overseas sites.