Registration 23 November 2017

Provider: Higher Education Leadership Institute Pty Ltd

Initial registration

Report on initial registration of Higher Education Leadership Institute Pty Ltd

TEQSA has registered, under section 21 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (the TEQSA Act), Higher Education Leadership Institute Pty Ltd for a period of four years until 23 November 2021 in the provider category of 'Higher Education Provider'.

TEQSA has imposed, under section 32 of the TEQSA Act, two conditions on the registration of Higher Education Leadership Institute Pty Ltd (HELI).

Condition 1:

HELI must not enrol students in, or commence delivery of, the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Academic Practice until TEQSA notifies HELI that it is satisfied with evidence provided by HELI that:

  1. the Course Coordinator, Learning Designer and Student Support Officer engaged by HELI are appropriately qualified and experienced to achieve its higher education objectives, which include the achievement of expected student learning outcomes. The evidence must include their position descriptions and detailed resumes.
  2. the 'Letter of Offer and Participant Agreement' includes any contractual arrangements with the student, HELI's obligations and the rights and obligations of the student.
  3. HELI has an orientation course and transition support for commencing students.
  4. HELI has a library plan that sets out the electronic library databases and resources that students will be able to access.
  5. HELI has a website with phone numbers for students to contact.

Condition 2:

On 1 July of each year for the period of registration, HELI must provide to TEQSA agenda papers and minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and Academic Board which demonstrate consideration of and any actions taken for:

  1. performance against the strategic plan;
  2. benchmarking activities;
  3. risk management, incorporating a review of the risk ratings;
  4. workforce planning and management; and
  5. monitoring and analysis of student performance.

TEQSA has accredited, under section 49 of the TEQSA Act, the following higher education course of study offered by Higher Education Leadership Institute Pty Ltd for a period of four years until 23 November 2021:

  • Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Academic Practice

Main reasons for the decision

The issues which led TEQSA to shorten the period of registration and course accreditation and to impose conditions on the registration are:

a) risks that HELI will not have sufficient appropriately qualified personnel

b) risks that HELI's students will not be adequately informed about their contractual relationship with HELI

c) risks that HELI's orientation and transition support arrangements will not meet the varying learning needs of HELI's students

d) risks that HELI will not have sufficient learning resources

e) risks that HELI will not adequately maintain contact with online students or ensure that students will have access to contact people in a timely way

f) HELI has no history in the delivery of higher education and, therefore, has limited capacity at this stage to demonstrate its internal governance and quality assurance mechanisms in higher education delivery.

TEQSA's assessment considered HELI's arrangements for online delivery.