Accreditation 11 March 2016

Provider: Academy of Interactive Technology Pty Ltd (formerly Academy of Information Technology Pty Ltd)

Course: Diploma of Interactive Media

Course accreditation

Report on accreditation of a higher education course of study offered by Academy of Information Technology

A delegate of TEQSA has accredited, under section 49 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (the TEQSA Act), the following higher education course of study offered by Academy of Information Technology for a period of seven years until 11 March 2023:

  • Diploma of Interactive Media

TEQSA has, under subsection 53(1) of the TEQSA Act, imposed one condition on the accreditation of the above course of study. Academy of Information Technology must:

Condition 1:

Within two months of the date of notification of the decision, AIT is required to increase the recommended personal learning aspect in each unit within the Diploma to ensure compliance with the relevant AQF specification volume of learning requirements.

The course accreditation covers delivery at all Australian sites.

Main reasons for decision

TEQSA considers that the decision to apply a condition on AIT's courses is consistent with the basic principles for regulation in Part 2 of the TEQSA Act, as the AIT is at risk of not complying with PCAS 1.1.

TEQSA considers that the learning requirements for the course have been under-estimated and could mislead students. The subject outlines recommend 4 hours of face-to-face study and 4 hours of personal study each week which amounts to a total of 768 hours over one year. This figure falls short of the AQF volume of learning requirements for full-time study load for a course at AQF levels 5-7. TEQSA requires the provider to amend the personal learning recommendation in the subject outlines to accurately reflect the requirements of a course at AQF levels 5-7.