Key financial metrics on Australia’s higher education sector - 3rd edition

Assessing the financial performance and financial position of a provider is a complex process which involves analysing a range of quantitative metrics and understanding the provider’s operating context, mission, governance and management structures.

TEQSA conducts an annual financial assessment of each provider, which analyses ten commonly-accepted financial metrics reflecting key business drivers critical to financial viability and sustainability. TEQSA consulted with the sector in developing these financial metrics in 2013, and received broad support for their adoption.

This report provides a snapshot of selected key financial metrics across the whole sector. The metrics have been selected for their importance in measuring the capacity and capability of providers to deploy financial resources in a way that supports quality in the delivery of higher education. Importantly, the selected metrics are reasonably comparable across all providers and also provide visibility of financial position and performance at the sector and sub-sector levels. Definitions and calculation methodologies for each measure are available in the Glossary section of this report.

A copy of the report is available above in PDF format.