TEQSA publishes suite of resources for online learning
In its latest step to support the sector during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, TEQSA is publishing a suite of online learning resources for providers to assist the sector’s transition to online learning, and is calling for the sector to contribute.
“TEQSA is proud to draw together the expert resources from within our sector, and share them with providers to support online delivery of higher education,” said Professor Nick Saunders, TEQSA Chief Commissioner and Acting CEO.
“TEQSA is aware that many providers, particularly independent providers, have made the transition to online delivery with little support and few resources, and we commend their adaptability and resilience. We also commend the sector more broadly, for its commitment to continuing to uphold the Higher Education Standards during the challenges presented by the pandemic.”
“This online learning resource is a work in progress, and we invite further contributions to help it to grow.”
To date, the resources cover a range of topics related to online learning, from getting started and helping workforces to work online, to student experiences and assessment integrity.
“We appreciate that not all resources will be relevant to every provider, so we’ve presented them in an accessible way which is easy to peruse,” said Professor Saunders.
“TEQSA is committed to working in partnership with the sector, and this endures in ordinary, and extraordinary, circumstances.”
Media enquiries
Michelle Alexander, Assistant Director, Communications: comms@teqsa.gov.au, 0437 143 012