Provider portal information

TEQSA provider portal security update
TEQSA has strengthened its level of protection in the provider portal to protect users against digital data attacks. Further details

What is the provider portal?

The provider portal is an initiative to make it easier for higher education providers to engage with TEQSA, by submitting applications and responding to information requests online.

Access to the provider portal is by login only – TEQSA supplies login and password details to providers as required.  

Features of the portal include:

  • providers can work progressively on applications online
  • the ability to access both TEQSA and CRICOS application forms, upload documents and links as evidence, and submit multiple applications
  • generate a PDF version of applications at any time to check on progress
  • edit evidence (including the ability to delete documents) in any section up until an application is submitted
  • respond to information requests online and submit any additional evidence that may be requested
  • see the status of assessments generated as a result of an application.

The provider portal also acts as a document repository that allows providers to reuse documents already submitted as part of other applications or information requests. 

TEQSA staff have access to the provider portal and can assist with any questions or administration – including maintaining the document repository – however TEQSA case teams will only commence work on applications following submission and the receipt of payment. Such access will typically only be used when requested by a provider in order to address questions or assist the provider in some way.

We welcome feedback on the provider portal and will work to progressively implement improvements.

Provider portal walkthrough video

The provider portal walkthrough video provides an overview and shows how to create, manage and submit applications, and update and submit requests.

View the provider portal walkthrough video on our YouTube channel.

Sample forms

For samples of the forms found on the Provider portal, contact

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