Vary Condition 13 October 2021

Provider: Australian Institute of Business Intelligence Pty Ltd

Variation of registration condition

Report on the variation of a condition imposed on registration of Australian Institute of Business Intelligence Pty Ltd

On 13 October 2021 TEQSA varied, under section 32 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), Condition 1 imposed on the registration of the Australian Institute of Business Intelligence Pty Ltd (refer public report of 25 September 2019).

Varied to:

The Australian Institute of Business Intelligence Pty Ltd must not commence delivery of the Bachelor of International Business until it satisfies TEQSA that it has appointed a suitably qualified Program Coordinator for the Bachelor of International Business.

Original Condition:

AIBI Higher Education Pty Ltd (AIBI HE) must not enrol students in, or commence delivery of, the Bachelor of International Business or the Bachelor of Business (Enterprise Management Systems) until AIBI HE satisfies TEQSA that it has appointed suitably qualified academic leaders, engaged to teach and provide academic leadership, namely, two Program Coordinators for the Bachelor of International Business and the Bachelor of Business (Enterprise Management Systems). TEQSA will notify AIBI HE in writing when this condition has been met and the provider can enrol students in these courses.

Main reasons for the decision

TEQSA made this decision on the basis that the varied condition more appropriately reflects TEQSA's residual concerns and AIBI's progress in securing staffing arrangements.