Variation to Condition Registration 12 April 2021
Provider: Charles Darwin University
Variation of registration condition
Report on the variation of a condition imposed on the registration of Charles Darwin University
On 12 April 2021 a delegate of TEQSA varied, under section 32 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), Condition 1 imposed on the registration of Charles Darwin University (refer public report of 22 January 2020).
Condition 1 (as varied)
- By 30 June 2021 CDU must provide TEQSA with a comprehensive framework, approved by its Council, for reporting:
- against the performance targets in its Strategic Plan and Teaching and Learning Plan
- on performance against institutional benchmarks for academic quality and outcomes
- on the occurrence and nature of formal complaints, allegations of misconduct and breaches of academic or research integrity
- on the quality of teaching and learning, including external referencing of the success of student cohorts against comparable courses of study.
- By 30 September 2021 and 30 September 2022, CDU must provide TEQSA with evidence covering the previous 12 months that the Council:
- has in place, and implements, systems and processes to monitor and ensure compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015
- monitors progress against performance targets as set out in the Strategic Plan and the Learning and Teaching Plan (to be developed and introduced for 2020), and takes action to address underperformance
- monitors the occurrence and nature of formal complaints, allegations of misconduct and breaches of academic or research integrity, and takes action to address underlying causes
- regularly reviews risk registers and has adequate processes in place to monitor and mitigate risks, including risk posed by third-party providers.
- By 30 September 2021 and 30 September 2022, CDU must provide TEQSA with evidence covering the previous 12 months that its Academic Board:
- monitors performance against institutional benchmarks for academic quality and outcomes, and action is taken to improve performance
- monitors the quality of teaching and learning and reports on the outcomes of such monitoring to the Council
- iii. evaluates the effectiveness of institutional monitoring, review and improvement of academic activities
- ensures that data on student progress and success is used to inform admission criteria and approaches to course design, teaching, supervision, learning and academic support.
The evidence in relation to paragraphs b. and c. of this condition must include copies of reports to the relevant governing bodies, as well as evidence of consideration and action taken on those reports by the relevant bodies.
Main reasons for the decision
TEQSA made this decision on the basis of mutually agreed modifications for reporting due dates.