Self Accrediting Authority 12 September 2022
Provider: Kaplan Business School Pty Limited
Course: Master of Accounting
Self-accrediting authority
Report on authority of Kaplan Business School Pty Limited to self-accredit nominated courses of study
On 12 September 2022, TEQSA authorised, under section 41 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), Kaplan Business School Pty Limited to self-accredit its courses of study at AQF qualification levels 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in the following narrow fields of education:
- Business and Management (0803)
- Accounting (0801)
- Banking, Finance and Related Fields (0811)
- Tourism (0807)
- Sales and Marketing (0805)
- Other Management and Commerce (0899)
Due to this decision, the following courses previously accredited by TEQSA do not need to be re-accredited by TEQSA. Please visit the provider website for information on the courses it offers.
The periods of accreditation approved by TEQSA for the following courses expire on
12 April 2024:
- Associate Degree of Business
- Bachelor of Business (Finance)
- Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)
- Bachelor of Business (Public Relations)
The periods of accreditation approved by TEQSA for the following courses expire on
30 September 2025:
- Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics
- Graduate Diploma of Business Analytics
- Master of Business Analytics
- Master of Business Analytics (Extension)
The periods of accreditation approved by TEQSA for the following courses expire on
29 December 2025:
- Diploma of Commerce
- Graduate Certificate in Accounting
- Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
- Master of Accounting
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Professional Accounting
The periods of accreditation approved by TEQSA for the following courses expire on
26 May 2028:
- Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
- Bachelor of Business (Hospitality and Tourism Management)
- Bachelor of Business (Management)
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
- Diploma of Business
Main reasons for the decision
TEQSA made this decision on the basis that it was satisfied the application for self-accrediting authority of nominated courses of study submitted by Kaplan Business School Pty Limited meets the Criteria for Seeking Authority for Self-Accreditation of Courses of Study of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.
TEQSA found that KBS has demonstrated:
- a history of successful operation as an institute of higher education, including strong corporate and academic governance.
- well established and robust course design, approval and review processes.
- a strong commitment and support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students; access to and participation in higher education in Australia
- a strong history of successful student graduate outcomes.