Renewal of Registration 9 June 2021
Provider: Murdoch University
Renewal of registration
Report on renewal of registration of Murdoch University
On 9 June 2021 TEQSA renewed, under section 36 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), the registration of Murdoch University in the category of Australian University, for a period of four years until 9 June 2025.
Main reasons for the decision
TEQSA made this decision on the basis that it was satisfied that Murdoch University (Murdoch) continues to meet the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015.
TEQSA has renewed the registration for a shortened period to allow Murdoch to demonstrate to TEQSA the effective implementation of improvements it is making to its higher education operations and to allow Murdoch to advise TEQSA of the progress of these ongoing improvements during the period of registration.
TEQSA will offer Murdoch an opportunity to enter a voluntary undertaking to address the risk of future non-compliance and to provide a suitable framework to allow Murdoch to demonstrate ongoing improvements to its corporate and academic governance.