Renewal of Registration 18 July 2023
Provider: Tabor College Incorporated
Renewal of registration
Report on renewal of registration of Tabor College Incorporated
On 18 July 2023, TEQSA:
- renewed, under section 36 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), the registration of Tabor College Incorporated in the category of Institute of Higher Education, for a period of seven years until 18 July 2030.
- imposed, under section 32 of the TEQSA Act, one condition on the registration of Tabor College Incorporated.
Condition 1: Corporate Governance
- By 30 June 2025, Tabor College Incorporated (Tabor) must provide TEQSA with all reports arising from Tabor's HESF Compliance Review, and:
- evidence demonstrating that action plans, approved by the Board of Governors and Academic Board, have been developed for any recommendations made in the HESF Compliance Review reports. These plans should demonstrate Tabor is closely monitoring the implementation of any recommendations and assessing the effectiveness of such implementation. If Tabor decides to not implement any recommendation, the action plan should clearly articulate what alternative measures Tabor has undertaken and why this course of action was chosen in place of the recommendation.
- If any of the recommendations contained in the HESF Compliance Review reports have not been implemented by 30 June 2025, Tabor must provide TEQSA with updated action plans that meet the requirements wet out in clause a(i) of this condition by 30 June of each year of registration after 2025 unless or until TEQSA has affirmed in writing that Tabor has implemented all of the recommendations.
- By 31 December 2024, Tabor must provide to TEQSA the Baird Course Profile Review report, including:
- evidence demonstrating that it has developed an action plan, approved by the Board of Governors and Academic Board, addressing each of the recommendations arising from the Baird Course Profile Review report. The evidence should include a timetabled implementation plan. If Tabor decides not to implement a recommendation, the action plan should clearly articulate what alternative measures Tabor has undertaken and why this course of action was chosen in place of the recommendation.
- If any of the recommendations have not been implemented by 31 December 2024, Tabor must provide TEQSA with updated actions plans that meet the requirements set out in clause b(i) of this condition by 30 June of each year of registration after 2024 unless or until TEQSA has affirmed in writing that Tabor has implemented all of the recommendations.
Main reasons for the decision
TEQSA made this decision on the basis that it was satisfied that Tabor College Incorporated continues to meet the applicable Standards of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.