Re-registration and re-accreditation 16 March 2017

Provider: Australian Institute of Business Pty Ltd

Course: Doctor of Philosophy

Renewal of registration

Report on renewal of registration of Australian Institute of Business Pty Ltd

TEQSA has renewed, under subsection 36(1) of the TEQSA Act, the registration as a higher education provider of Australian Institute of Business Pty Ltd (AIB) for a period of three (3) years until 16 March 2020 in the provider category of 'Higher Education Provider'.

TEQSA has, under subsection 32(1) of the TEQSA Act, imposed conditions on the registration of AIB as a higher education provider. A copy of the conditions is available at Attachment 1.

TEQSA has renewed, under subsection 56(1) of the TEQSA Act, the accreditation of the following courses of study offered by AIB for a period of three (3) years to 16 March 2020:

  • Diploma of Management
  • Associate Degree in Management - exit point only
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Graduate Certificate in Management
  • Graduate Diploma in Management - exit point only
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Business Administration (Entrepreneurial Management)
  • Master of Business Administration (Finance)
  • Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management)
  • Master of Business Administration (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
  • Master of Business Administration (Marketing Management)
  • Graduate Certificate in Change Management (new course name: Graduate Certificate in Action Research and Action Learning)
  • Graduate Certificate in Work-based Learning
  • Master of Management
  • Master of Management (Work-Applied Learning)
  • Graduate Certificate in Management (Research) - exit point only
  • Graduate Diploma in Management (Research) - exit point only
  • Master of Management (Research)
  • Doctor of Business Administration
  • Doctor of Philosophy

TEQSA has renewed, under subsection 56(1) of the TEQSA Act, the accreditation of the following courses of study offered by AIB for a period of two years until 16 March 2019. The courses have been renewed in teach out mode and no new enrolments are permitted in the courses.

  • Master of Business Administration (Tourism and Hospitality Management)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Entrepreneurial Management)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Financial Management)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Human Resource Management)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Tourism and Hospitality Management)

Main reasons for the decision

As part of the renewal of registration process, TEQSA has assessed the application submitted by AIB against the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2011 (the Threshold Standards). The scope of the assessment included delivery of AIB's courses in Australia and overseas.

TEQSA considers that its decision to apply conditions was consistent with the basic principles for regulation in Part 2 of the TEQSA Act, as AIB was considered to be at risk of not complying with a number of the Threshold Standards. TEQSA notes that Conditions 2 and 3 have been complied with and satisfied fully.

The broad issues which relate to the AIB's registration relate to:

a) Provider Course Accreditation Standards (PCAS) 1.1, 5.1 and 6.1 in relation to AIB's course design, course review and assessment arrangements

b) PCAS 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5, in relation to assessment, moderation, student performance and benchmarking for AIB's courses.

Attachment 1

Conditions imposed on the registration of Australian Institute of Business Pty Ltd (AIB)

Condition 1

Within four weeks of receipt of the notice of decision, AIB must provide TEQSA with a comprehensive plan for review and development of its courses over the period of AIB's renewed registration. AIB must provide TEQSA with copies of reports arising from any subsequent major internal or external course review, including those proposed in the plan required by this condition, over the period of AIB's renewed registration.

Condition 2

AIB must arrange for an independent and external review of its online teaching and learning framework to be undertaken, culminating in a report developed and signed by the independent external reviewer. AIB must obtain TEQSA's approval of the identity of the reviewer and of the review's terms of reference before making an appointment. The report arising from the review must be provided to TEQSA and AIB simultaneously and not later than 1 July 2017.

Within four weeks of receipt of the report on its online teaching and learning framework AIB must provide to TEQSA:

a) a copy of the minutes of the Academic Board meeting which record the Academic Board's response to the report

b) a proposed implementation plan to address the recommendations in the report.

This condition has been fully satisfied by AIB.

Condition 3

AIB must arrange for an independent and external review of its unit assessment and assessment moderation practices to be undertaken, culminating in a report developed and signed by the independent external reviewer. AIB must obtain TEQSA's approval of the identity of the reviewer and of the review's terms of reference before making an appointment. The report arising from the review must be provided to TEQSA and AIB simultaneously and not later than 1 July 2017.

Within four weeks of receipt of the report on its unit assessment and assessment moderation practices, AIB must provide to TEQSA:

a) a copy of the minutes of the Academic Board meeting which record the Academic Board's response to the report

b) a proposed implementation plan to address the recommendations in the report.

This condition has been fully satisfied by AIB.

Condition 4

By 31 March 2018 and each year thereafter, AIB must provide to TEQSA:

a) A report on the implementation of its "Scholarly Activity and Professional Development" policy and scholarship plans, including a list of all academic staff engaged to teach into the course of study, the nature of their appointment (i.e. casual, fixed term or continuing including fraction where applicable), the units taught by each staff member, the scholarly activity undertaken in the preceding calendar year and any funding support provided by AIB towards that activity.

b) Evidence by way of meeting minutes that the report has been considered by the relevant AIB governing bodies which includes any action in response.

Condition 5

By 31 March of each year, AIB must provide to TEQSA:

a) a report on its student performance that:

i. details attrition, progression and completion rates and grade distributions at an aggregate level and by mode and course of study. Calculations must be based on the methodology set out within the TEQSA Risk Assessment Framework(Version 2.1).

ii. identifies actions undertaken by Academic Board in response to student performance and an analysis of the effectiveness of those actions.

b) evidence by way of meeting minutes that the report has been considered by the relevant AIB governing bodies which includes any action in response to the report.

The first report is due to TEQSA on 31 March 2018.

Condition 6

By 31 January in each year AIB must provide to TEQSA complete and un-redacted copies of its Governing Board and Academic Board minutes for all meetings conducted in the preceding calendar year.

Condition 7

AIB must provide TEQSA with a report every six months, with the first report due by 31 January 2018, which describes AIB's progress in implementing the actions arising from the:

a) independent external review of its online teaching and learning framework required by Condition 2

b) independent external review report on unit assessment and assessment moderation required by Condition 3, and

c) changes it has committed to in its response to TEQSA's draft summaries of findings relating to AIB's registration and course accreditations.