Re-registration 4 August 2016

Provider: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Renewal of registration

Report on the renewal of registration of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University)

TEQSA has renewed the registration of RMIT University as a higher education provider for a period of seven years to 4 August 2023 in the provider category of Australian University. This decision was made under Section 36(1) of the TEQSA Act.

Main reasons for decision

TEQSA has assessed the application submitted by RMIT University against the Threshold Standards. The scope of the assessment included all its Australian and offshore delivery sites.

RMIT University has demonstrated to TEQSA that it continues to meet the Threshold Standards and that it has:

  • effective governance arrangements and processes to maintain and quality assure academic standards and academic integrity at all its locations
  • a strategic plan that guides decision-making and future directions
  • strategies to monitor and mitigate potential risks
  • monitoring, review and improvement mechanisms which include measurable targets and incorporate an emphasis on work integrated learning and ensuring equivalent student learning outcomes at all its locations
  • a range of strategies and resources to support students at all its locations, and
  • comprehensive arrangements for the governance and management of its offshore operations.