Re-registration 18 March 2020

Provider: Ozford Institute of Higher Education Pty Ltd

Renewal of registration

Report on renewal of registration of Ozford Institute of Higher Education Pty Ltd

On 18 March 2020 TEQSA:

  • renewed, under section 36 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), the registration of Ozford Institute of Higher Education Pty Ltd in the category of Higher Education Provider, for a period of four years until 18 March 2024.
  • imposed, under section 32 of the TEQSA Act, four conditions on the registration of Ozford Institute of Higher Education Pty Ltd.
    • Condition 1: Student Participation and Attainment

      1. By 31 December 2020, OIHE must review its admission and credit policies and practices and provide to TEQSA a report and an action plan, approved by the Academic Board, which ensures that all admitted students have the academic preparation and proficiency in English needed to participate in their chosen study, including those transferring from other providers. The report and action plan are to include:
        1. credit transfer and approval processes that ensure all admitted students have been granted credit against OIHE's institutional policies and the result is recorded
        2. evidence that the progression of all admitted students is individually monitored to ensure they have an appropriate level of English language proficiency throughout the Diploma and Bachelor courses
        3. evidence of appropriate, documented support being provided to students at risk across all courses of study
        4. a review of Clause 10 in the Student Enrolment Acceptance Agreement form (and other relevant material) to ensure the information pertaining to potential fee changes is clearly specified
      1. By 31 May 2021, and by 30 November 2021, OIHE must submit to TEQSA reports on the progress of the implementation of the action plan that have been approved by the Academic Board.

      Condition 2: Course monitoring and review processes

      By 31 May 2021, OIHE must submit to TEQSA reports on its review and improvement activities. The reports must show that all three courses have been reviewed in accordance with OIHE's policies and procedures and with evidence of review by the Academic Board. The review and improvement activities for each course must include:

      1. a review of methods of assessment to confirm students' achievement of unit and course learning outcomes. The report to TEQSA must include evidence of the implementation of the Academic Board approved assessment tasks, marking criteria and rubrics
      2. an analysis of student progression rates, attrition rates, completion times and rates. The analysis should also include an analysis of graduand profiles that includes the initial basis of admission and the extent of the credit received at OIHE towards completion of the degree and English language proficiency
      3. external referencing of the success of student cohorts against comparable courses of study.

      Condition 3: Independent Review of Corporate and Academic Governance

      1. By 30 September 2022 OIHE must provide TEQSA with:
        1. a copy of an independent review of the effectiveness of OIHE's corporate and academic governance;
        2. a copy of OIHE's response to the review, approved by its Governing Board.
      1. Prior to engaging the reviewer to perform the review in condition 3a, OIHE must obtain TEQSA's approval of the identity of the reviewer and the terms of reference for the review. TEQSA's approval for these matters will not be unreasonably withheld.

      Condition 4: Academic and Corporate Governance Oversight

      By 31 May 2021, OIHE must provide to TEQSA reports, approved by the Academic and Governing Boards that demonstrate that OIHE's Academic Board has assured itself in the previous year that academic policies and procedures have been consistently followed. The reports must demonstrate implementation of:

      1. admission policies and procedures leading to decisions that ensure:
        1. that all admitted students have the academic preparation and proficiency in English needed to participate in their intended study
        2. the profile of students admitted, the basis of admissions, and the extent and basis for credit
      1. course marketing policies and procedures which ensure regular review of the website and all marketing materials to ensure ongoing suitability and compliance with all regulatory and legislative requirements.

Main reasons for the decision

TEQSA made these decisions in light of risks that Ozford Institute of Higher Education Pty Ltd may not meet, or continue to meet, the following provisions of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015:

  1. Sections 1.1 - 1.4 of Part A, in relation to ensuring OIHE's admission practices ensure that students have the academic preparation and proficiency in English, and that OIHE provides the appropriate oversight of students at risk, to enable students to effectively participate in their course of study
  2. Sections 5.1 - 5.3 of Part A, in relation to ensuring the appropriate oversight by the Academic Board of course review and development which is informed by a broad range of student outcome data
  3. Domain 6 of Part A, to ensure the Corporate Board and Academic Board of OIHE provide appropriate oversight of all its corporate and academic functions as contemplated by the Threshold Standards.
  4. Domain 7 of Part A, to ensure that representations and information to students provided by OIHE are accurate and not misleading

Application to withdraw conditions

In accordance with section 32 of the TEQSA Act, TEQSA may vary or revoke a condition imposed on the registration of a higher education provider, either on its own initiative or upon application by the provider for variation or revocation.

Further information

Information on TEQSA's regulatory approach and public reporting is available at