Re-registration 12 March 2015

Provider: S P Jain School of Global Management Pty Limited

Renewal of registration

Report on renewal of registration of SP Jain School of Global Management Pty Ltd

TEQSA has renewed the registration as a higher education provider, under Section 36(1) of the TEQSA Act, of SP Jain School of Global Management Pty Ltd (SP Jain) for a period of five years to 12 March 2020 in the provider category of Higher Education Provider.

TEQSA has, under subsection 32(1) of the TEQSA Act, imposed four conditions on the registration of SP Jain as a higher education provider.

Condition 1:

By 30 September 2016 and 30 September 2017 and 30 September 2018 provide a report for the previous academic year for each course delivered at SP Jain, with student data (in excel format) that includes:

  • Enrolments
  • Attrition
  • Progression
  • Completion

The data must be presented in a way that compares cohorts at each delivery location and mode of study (i.e. includes those students undertaking pre-term units). Each report must be accompanied by a report reviewing the data and containing any management or Academic Board response which may be required. TEQSA will have regard to the 2015 and 2016 PIR data submission, as well as the response to condition (1).

Condition 2:

By 31 May 2015, provide evidence to TEQSA that it has:

a) implemented formal processes (this may include policies and an action plan) to govern the management of student performance data, including procedures to ensure sufficient oversight of the collection, timing, accuracy, consistency and use of student performance data at each delivery site.

b) developed a formal plan or strategy which outlines how SP Jain will compare its performance on student learning outcomes and graduate outcomes internally and with other Australian higher education providers.

c) a modified risk framework and risk management plan to include oversight and risk assessment of I.T infrastructure including: management, security and storage of electronic records and data collections, maintenance and capability of e-learning and videoconferencing capabilities.

d) developed an academic staff qualifications and professional equivalence policy that ensures SP Jain can demonstrate all its teaching staff either have a relevant qualification one AQF level above the award they are teaching or have professional experience that gives them skills, knowledge and capacity to apply skills and knowledge equivalent to such a qualification, with evidence that this has been approved by the SP Jain -Academic Board.

e) established a tuition and academic protection policy covering all domestic, international onshore and offshore students enrolled to courses offered by SP Jain, which clearly specifies the option to transfer credits to an identified higher education provider(s) should the provider cease to provide a course of study or cease to operate as higher education provider.

f) established a tuition protection procedure so that SP Jain operations in Dubai and Singapore, collectively maintain a cash reserve that is no lower than the total amount necessary to repay all pre-paid fees related to the provision of higher education courses to each student who has enrolled in, but not commenced, a SP Jain higher education course. This protection procedure should be put in place irrespective of whether the student is studying onshore or offshore.

Condition 3:

By 30 September 2015, provide:

a) bank statement(s) showing the collective amount in cash reserve(s) from SP Jain operations in Dubai, Sydney and Singapore; and

b) a listing of all students who have pre-paid fees which includes the student's full name, study location, date payment was made, the amount of fees paid and the start date of the study period the payment relates to.

Condition 4:

By 30 September 2015 and 30 September 2016, provide evidence to TEQSA that SP Jain - Sydney has undertaken comparative benchmarking of each of its courses and assessed the academic standards achieved by its students against similar accredited courses of study offered by other higher education providers, in accordance with its own formal plan or strategy as required under condition (2).

Main Reasons for Decision

As part of the renewal of registration process, TEQSA has assessed the application submitted by SP Jain against the Threshold Standards. The scope of the assessment included all its Australian sites and sites in Singapore and United Arab Emirates.

TEQSA considers that the decision to apply conditions to SP Jain's registration is consistent with the basic principles for regulation in Part 2 of the TEQSA Act, as SP Jain is at risk of not complying with a number of the Threshold Standards.

  • The broad issues which relate to SP Jain's registration include:

    a) management of data and the oversight of the collection, timing and use of student performance data at each SP Jain delivery site.

    b) risk management planning regarding the significant and vital I.T infrastructure supporting its trans-national activity, including: security and storage of its electronic records and data collections and maintenance and capability of its e-learning and videoconferencing capabilities

    c) tuition safeguards for students studying in Singapore and Dubai, should SP Jain cease to provide a course of study or cease to operate as higher education provider

    d) the requirement to implement a policy and processes to capture and report specified student outcomes data, including student progress and attrition at each SP Jain delivery site.

    e) whether all teaching staff across all SP Jain delivery sites meet the AQF + 1 or equivalent professional experience requirement, including the requirement that SP Jain has a policy and / or guidelines to assess professional experience equivalence of its academic staff to the AQF qualification types.

In accordance with Subsections 32(2) and 32(3) of the TEQSA Act, TEQSA may vary or revoke a condition imposed on the registration of a higher education provider, either on its own initiative, or upon application by the provider for variation or revocation.