Re-accreditation (Not renewed) 21 September 2017
Provider: The Australian Institute of Music Limited
Course: Not renewed - Master of Arts Management
Renewal of course accreditation
Report on renewal of accreditation of three higher education courses of study offered by The Australian Institute of Music Limited
A delegate of TEQSA has decided to reject, under section 56 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (the TEQSA Act), the application for renewal of accreditation of the following higher education courses of study offered by The Australian Institute of Music Limited (AIM), with effect from 31 December 2018:
- Graduate Certificate in Arts Management
- Graduate Diploma of Arts Management
- Master of Arts Management
The delegate has, under subsection 53(1) of the TEQSA Act, imposed three conditions on the accreditation of the above courses of study to facilitate transitional arrangements.
Condition 1
AIM is not to offer any student a place in any of the above higher education courses, or enrol or commence any students in these higher education courses, effective from the date on which AIM is notified of this decision.
Condition 2
AIM must provide each person who is currently enrolled in one of the above courses with a written notice containing the following information no later than 21 days after AIM is notified of this decision:
- That the accreditation of the courses will end on 31 December 2018; and
- The options available to students currently enrolled in the courses, including the possibility of exiting AIM with a higher education award, receiving a refund of fees or transferring to a course of study at another (specified) higher education provider.
Condition 3
By no later than 28 days after AIM is notified of this decision, AIM must provide TEQSA with evidence of how it has complied with Condition 2, as well as the steps AIM proposes to take in relation to each student currently enrolled in one of the above courses to:
- Transition the student to a course of study at another higher education provider; or
- Provide a student with a refund of fees; or
- Confer a higher education award on the student.
Main Reasons for the Decision
The delegate made the decision to reject AIM's application for renewal of accreditation of its Graduate Certificate in Arts Management, Graduate Diploma of Arts Management and Master of Arts Management, because the delegate was not satisfied that:
- the courses meet the Qualification Standards because their structure and unit learning outcomes fail to meet the required AQF level (PCAS 1.1)
- assessment tasks are effective and provide opportunities for students to demonstrate achievement of the expected student learning outcomes (PCAS 5.1)
- assessment is undertaken by appropriately qualified staff (PCAS 5.2)
- moderation procedures ensure consistent and appropriate assessment (PCAS 5.3)
- the courses have been systematically updated as required by PCAS 6.
By correspondence dated 28 August 2017, AIM wrote to TEQSA advising that it had decided to cease delivery of the Graduate Certificate in Arts Management, Graduate Diploma of Arts Management and Master of Arts Management courses. It also advised that all thirty-three students enrolled in these courses were scheduled to complete their studies by no later than June 2018.