Initial Registration and Accreditation 23 November 2022

Provider: PBL Education Pty Ltd

Course: Diploma of Business Management


Report on registration of PBL Education Pty Ltd

TEQSA has agreed to orders of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) which:

  • register, under section 21 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), PBL Education Pty Ltd trading as the Institute of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology (IIET) in the category of Institute of Higher Education for a period of five years until 23 November 2027.
  • accredit, under section 49 of the TEQSA Act, the following courses for delivery by IIET for a period of five years until 23 November 2027:
    • Bachelor of Business Management
    • Associate Degree of Business Management
    • Diploma of Business Management
    • Bachelor of Digital Marketing
    • Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation


On 11 May 2022, TEQSA had rejected applications by IIET for registration and for accreditation of five courses of study.

IIET applied for review of TEQSA's decisions in the AAT. In the course of the proceedings, IIET made submissions and provided further information and evidence about the matters raised in TEQSA's decisions.

It is well established that absent a specific legislative provision to the contrary, the AAT is generally required to make a decision on review based on the evidence available at the time of the AAT's decision on review, and that the AAT is not confined to the evidence available at the time of the primary decision. Accordingly, TEQSA accepted that the AAT was required to take account of the further material submitted to TEQSA after TEQSA had rejected IIET's applications.

Main reasons for the decision

TEQSA made these decisions on the basis that it was satisfied that IIET meets the Provider Registration Standards, and the courses meet the Provider Course Accreditation Standards of the HES Framework. On this basis, TEQSA decided that it was appropriate to register IIET for a period of 5 years until 23 November 2027.

The five-year period of registration and accreditation is consistent with the basic principles of regulation and reflects risks associated with an applicant for initial registration intending to offer a higher education course but having no history in the provision of higher education.