Extension of accreditation 3 July 2019
Provider: International College of Management, Sydney Pty. Limited
Course: Bachelor of Sports Management
Accreditation extension
Report on extension of accreditation of 13 higher education courses of study offered by International College of Management, Sydney Pty Limited
On 3 July 2019, TEQSA extended under section 57A of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), the accreditation of the following courses offered by International College of Management, Sydney Pty Limited, until 01 June 2020:
- Associate Degree of Business
- Diploma of International Tourism
- Diploma of Property Management
- Bachelor of Property (Development, Investment and Valuation)
- Bachelor of International Tourism
- Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Diploma of Event Management (formerly Diploma of Events Management)
- Bachelor of Sports Management
- Diploma of Sports Management
- Bachelor of Business Management
- Bachelor of Event Management (formerly Bachelor of Events Management)
- Bachelor of Hospitality Management
- Diploma of Applied Business Management (formerly Diploma of Business Management).
Main reasons for the decision
TEQSA made the decision to extend the accreditation of the courses to allow for alignment of regulatory activity.