Accreditation 15 April 2019

Provider: The Institute of Creative Arts & Technology Pty Ltd. (formerly Macleay College Pty Ltd)

Course: Diploma of User Experience Design

Course accreditation

Report on accreditation of one higher education course of study offered by Macleay College Pty Limited

On 15 April 2019, a delegate of TEQSA:

  • accredited, under section 49 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act), the following course offered by Macleay College Pty Limited, for a period of four years until 15 April 2023:
    • Diploma of User Experience Design.
  • imposed, under section 53 of the TEQSA Act, two conditions on the accreditation of the Diploma of User Experience Design.

Condition 1: Review of Course Curriculum

1.1. Macleay will engage at its own expense a suitably qualified independent expert/s (with the agreement of TEQSA as to the identity and terms of reference of the expert/s, which agreement is not to be unreasonably withheld) to review and make recommendations to Macleay (Independent Course Review) in relation to the following matters:

  1. revise Macleay's course curriculum to incorporate additional core content from the field of user experience design including, inter alia, the inclusion of more theory on topics such as cognition, social interaction, emotional interaction and evaluation;
  2. revise all of the unit learning outcomes within the course to ensure that they are tailored to the discipline of user experience design;
  3. revise the assessment design and teaching and learning activities of the course to ensure that activities are designed to: foster progressive and coherent achievement of the expected learning outcomes; incorporate formative assessment tasks; and are tailored to the study of user experience design; and
  4. revise the assessment tasks and learning outcomes within the unit 'Coding Fundamentals' to ensure that:
    1. the students undertaking the course are capable of achieving all of the specified learning outcomes; and
    2. the methods of assessment are consistent with the learning outcomes being assessed, and are able to meaningfully assess student performance against all of the unit's learning outcomes.

1.2. The independent expert/s will:

  1. be suitably qualified to undertake the Independent Course Review;
  2. not be a past or present member of Macleay's staff;
  3. not have been engaged as a consultant to Macleay; and
  4. not have any conflict of interest.

1.3. The outcomes of the Independent Course Review are to be reported to Macleay's Academic Board, Board of Directors and TEQSA by no later than 30 June 2019.

1.4. Macleay is to prepare an implementation plan for each of the recommendations in the expert reports, approved by the Academic Board and Board of Directors, to be provided to TEQSA no later than 30 August 2019.

1.5. Macleay is to report to TEQSA on the implementation of the outcomes of the Independent Course Review by:

  1. 30 September 2019; and
  2. such further dates as TEQSA may require after the Independent Course Review is undertaken.

Condition 2

Macleay must not deliver the course unless TEQSA confirms, in writing, that Condition 1 has been met.

Main reasons for the decision

TEQSA made these decisions in light of risks that the course submitted by Macleay College Pty Limited may not meet, or continue to meet, the following provisions of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015:

  1. Section 1.4 of Part A, in relation to learning outcomes and assessment
  2. Section 3.1 of Part A, in relation to course design
  3. Section 3.2 of Part A, in relation to staffing, and
  4. Section 7.1 of Part A, in relation to representation.

TEQSA's assessment considered Macleay College Pty Limited's arrangements for delivery at all Australian sites.