Provider portal - frequently asked questions (FAQs)

This document contains responses to frequently asked questions relating to the TEQSA provider portal. Contact your Case Manager if you have additional questions.

Getting started

1. How is access to the provider portal arranged?

The principal contact or CEO/PEO should email the TEQSA Case Manager, including the full name, email address, phone number and role (TEQSA application contact, ESOS application contact, or both) for the proposed user/s. TEQSA will email the login details and relevant information to the nominated user/s directly.

2.  Which internet browsers can I use to access the provider portal?

For a PC:


Internet Explorer (IE) 10 or 11

For a Mac:



Check what version of what browser you are currently using.


  • The portal, including application forms, will not behave correctly in other browsers (e.g. Firefox)
  • Specific portal functions (e.g. drag-and-drop functionality) will not work in earlier versions of Internet Explorer
  • If using IE11 and Active X filtering block is set on, the display of invoices at the point of submission may be blocked - use Chrome instead
  • If using Windows 8 and IE11, some portal functions may not work – if you are experiencing issues, try using Chrome instead.

3. How can I change or reset my password?

The initial password is a temporary password assigned by TEQSA. The user is required to change this on first log in. The federal government requirement is that passwords are at least nine characters long, and contain at least:

  • one upper case alphabet character
  • one lower case alphabet character
  • one number
  • one of the following special characters: !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, * and/or -

Users can self-manage their portal password using the ‘Forgotten your login details?’ option on the Sign In screen, or ‘Change Password’ drop-down option when logged in to the portal (not available when working within an application form). Passwords used in the past year cannot be re-used.

Note: Five failed login attempts from the Sign In screen will lock the user’s account. If your account is locked, the ‘Forgotten your login details?’ functionality will not work, and you will need to contact your Case Manager to have your account unlocked and password reset.

4. Is there a time out period?

There is a time out after 30 minutes of inactivity. The message ‘Your current session has expired, please login again.’ will appear if you try to do anything in the portal after 30 minutes of inactivity. You can log back in to resume work.

Note: Changes made but not saved before the time out occurs will be lost.

5. What training materials are available?

A walkthrough video is available on our YouTube channel. Contact your Case Manager if you require any additional assistance.

6. Is there a limit to the number of users who can have provider portal access?

No. There is no restriction on the number of provider portal users for any given provider.

7. Will all users have the same rights, or will the ability to submit applications and requests be restricted to selected people?

All portal users for the same provider have the same level of access to the provider portal. All users can update any existing application or request, and create and submit applications. The ‘Modified By’ and ‘Submitted By’ details show the last user to update/submit an application or request.

8. Can TEQSA staff see what providers are working on in the provider portal?

Yes. TEQSA staff will have access to the provider portal to assist with any questions or administration, including maintaining the document repository, but TEQSA Case Managers will only commence work on applications and requests following submission (and receipt of any applicable fee/s).

Note: TEQSA staff will not usually look at the provider portal unless it is necessary to do so following contact from a provider (e.g. in order to address questions or assist the provider in some way).

9. How will the provider portal support related providers where the same contact deals with TEQSA with regard to more than one provider?

Each username is linked to a single registered legal entity (not trading name) in the portal, rather than a group of related providers from which a specific provider could be selected.

The user will require a different username (i.e. email address) for each provider they require portal access for.

10. How can I view the content of each form?

Sample portal screenshots and application snapshots of most application forms available in the provider portal can be obtained from your Case Manager.

Alternatively, you may also choose to start an application (refer to How do I start an application?) and create a PDF snapshot (refer to How do I take a snapshot of an application?).

11. How do I start an application?

Click on the ‘TEQSA Forms’ or ‘CRICOS Forms’ buttons on the left hand side of the Home page or Applications page to see the lists of forms currently available to you in the provider portal. Click on the button for a specific form to read the form overview, then click on the ‘Continue’ button to start an application or the ‘Cancel’ button to return to the Home page.

Note: You should speak with your Case Manager before starting TEQSA applications to confirm evidence requirements.

12. What should I do if I want to start an application but cannot find the relevant application form in the lists of available forms?

Discuss the issue with your Case Manager. Additional forms can be made available as needed.

13. How can existing applications be edited (i.e. opened and worked on after initial creation)?

Click on the ‘…’ icon beside the relevant application on the Home page or Applications page, then select the ‘Edit Application’ menu option.

Note: If you think that your changes to an application are not being saved between portal sessions, it may be that you are opening a new application each time (by selecting the form from the left hand side menu option) rather than editing your existing application/s.

Application management

14. Is there a limit to the number of concurrent applications that a provider can work on in the portal?

No. There is no limit.

15. Can multiple users work on the same application at the same time?

Technically, yes. However, the responses saved by the last user to modify the application will overwrite any changes made by other user. To avoid any possible complications, it is highly recommended that only one person should update any given application at any given time. This must be managed by the provider as there is no system restriction that prevents multiple users accessing the same application at the same time.

16. Can separate applications be started and worked on by different staff concurrently, and then merged?

No. There is no merging capability available.

17. What happens if I use the browser’s Back button when working on an application form?

Clicking on the browser’s Back button when editing an application form will result in the loss of any unsaved changes. You may be returned to the portal Home page or see a 404 error message displayed on the screen. If this should happen, try using the browser’s Forward button to return to the application form.

You should use the form navigation links on the left hand side to switch between pages/sections. To exit an application form, click on the ‘Close’ (Overview) or the ‘Save & Close’ (all pages except Overview) button.

18. What happens if I use the browser’s Refresh button when working on an application form?

Clicking on the browser’s Refresh button will reload the form. Any unsaved changes will be lost and the first page of the application form will be displayed.

19. Is there an ‘auto save’ for responses to questions within application forms?

No. However, a warning message will appear if you try to navigate away from a page without saving any changes you have made.

20. How do I take a snapshot of an application?

Click on the ‘Create PDF’ button to take a snapshot of the application as it stands at that point in time. The application snapshot shows all questions, saved responses (e.g. text entry and drop down options selected), and evidence (i.e. files and links) attached.

21. How do the application guides relate to the application forms?

The application forms are typically more granular than the corresponding application guides, so providers should use the application form to structure and group evidence when preparing evidence offline. Providers may find that the structure of some application guides differ slightly to the application forms.

22. Can the course name/s or other description be added to an application to easily identify it when viewing the lists on the Home or Applications page of the portal?

Yes. Notes can be added against any application, whether submitted or not, by clicking on the ‘…’ icon next to the relevant application (on the Home or Applications page) and selecting the ‘Edit Notes’ menu option.

Note: These notes do not form part of the application and are not seen by Case Managers.

23. How will the provider know who has worked on an application?

All users with access to the provider portal can start, edit and submit applications. The portal will track the name of the person who most recently edited/saved/submitted an application and display this in the ‘Modified By’ column, alongside the date of the change.

Note: If a user opens an unsubmitted application form and clicks on the ‘Save & Close’ button without making any changes to the application, the ‘Modified By’ and ‘Modified’ details will be updated regardless. To avoid this, use the ‘Close’ button on the Overview page of the form instead.

24. Can the status of an application be changed from ‘Ready for Submission’ back to ‘Awaiting Provider Completion’?

No. Selecting ‘Ready to Submit’ within an application allows providers to manage/sort applications by status. However, applications with a status of ‘Ready for Submission’ can still be edited.

25. How do I delete an application that has been created but not yet submitted?

Providers cannot delete applications themselves. Please email your Case Manager requesting removal of any unwanted applications and TEQSA staff will delete them.

Note: Deleted applications will be completely removed from TEQSA systems. Application deletion cannot be reversed.

26. Are electronic signatures supported?

No. Templates are provided for declarations. The relevant declaration template should be downloaded from within the application form, printed, signed, scanned and uploaded back into the application.

27. Will TEQSA provide feedback on the status of applications prior to submission?

No. Case Managers will only discuss applications that have been started but not submitted as appropriate, if contacted by the provider.

28. Will the portal show the status of an application after submission (i.e. as TEQSA progresses the application)?

No. Providers only see three status values for applications on the portal: Awaiting Provider Completion; Ready for Submission; and Submitted. The provider does not see the status of applications as they are progressed internally by TEQSA.

Application reuse

29. Is it possible to reuse content from applications submitted before provider portal access was granted?

The provider portal will only display full details for applications that were submitted to TEQSA via the portal. Although records for applications submitted via post/email may appear in the provider portal, they will not include an invoice, PDF snapshot, or the evidence submitted (also, evidence submitted via post/email will not be available in the provider’s document repository).

30. Can existing portal based applications be copied and saved with changes as a new application?

No. There is no ‘copy and change’ functionality for applications in the provider portal. Applications submitted via the portal are available for reference, including the PDF snapshot produced by the system at the time of submission (allowing cut and paste of text responses) and the evidence attached - refer to How do I view a submitted application?.

Evidence (context, documents and links) management

31. How can text box responses be formatted?

The data entry fields in application forms allow for basic text entry with no special formatting. If you want to format your response to such questions in a particular way, you could prepare your response offline and submit it as a document (e.g. Word or PDF) in the ‘Attach evidence here’ section (or on the additional information page).

32. How many characters can be entered into a text box response in an application form?

A maximum of 4000 characters is allowed (either by direct entry or pasting in copied text). Only the first 4000 characters will display/save if you attempt to copy and paste more than 4000 characters of text.

A character count message beneath the multiple line text boxes indicates the number of characters in your response - this character count will display in red if your response contains 3900 characters or more. Upload a document (e.g. Word or PDF) in the ‘Attach evidence here’ section (or on the additional information page) if more space is required.

33. What file types are supported?

The following file types are supported:





















Contact your Case Manager before submitting a file of a type that does not appear in the list above.

34. Are there any file name restrictions?

Yes. An error message will appear when attempting to upload any file with a file name:

  • of more than 128 characters in length
  • containing any of the following characters:

tilde (~)

asterisk (*)

pipe (|)

angle brackets (< or >)

hash (#)

plus (+)

colon (:)

braces ({ or })

percent (%)

slash (/)

quotation mark (")

ampersand (&)

backslash (\)

question mark (?)


35. Is there a limit to the size of files I can upload?

Yes. The size limit for each file is 10MB. If you attempt to upload larger files to an application or request, an error message will appear and the applicable row in the file list will turn pink.

Larger files could be provided via a link (e.g. to provider’s website or YouTube). Alternatively, speak to your Case Manager for a work around.

36. How will the file name and size restrictions impact upon bulk drag-and-drop of documents?

The drag-and-drop functionality allows for the simultaneous upload of multiple documents to the portal. Any documents that fail to meet the file name and size requirements will be rejected. Other documents included in the same drag-and-drop that satisfy these requirements will be accepted.

37. How can I reuse a document previously added to an application or request?

All files uploaded to an application or request are automatically saved to the provider’s document repository. Documents can then be assigned from the document repository to other questions in the same application, as well as other applications or requests.

To assign a file to an application or request, click on the green triangle symbol next to the words ‘Assign from document repository’. This will ‘twist’ open and display the files in the document repository.

You can use the search (within applications, not requests), sort and/or filter functions to find the document/s you wish to assign to the question or request. Activate/select the ‘tick’ box against the relevant document/s, and then select the ‘Assign all selected’ button. The selected document/s will then be assigned to the application question or request.


  • if you cannot open or use the document repository, you may not be using a compatible browser - refer to Which internet browsers can I use to access the provider portal?
  • due to the restricted size of the document repository on the screen, you may wish to use the ‘Open in New Window’ button (within applications, not requests) to view the document repository in a new tab
  • if you use the small grey triangles beneath the list of files to move forward/back a page within the document repository, any documents selected will be deselected before the list of documents is refreshed (i.e. you should select and assign files page by page).

38. How can I reuse a link (URL) previously added to an application or request?

Due to the transitory nature of website content, the web addresses (URLs) for relevant links are not saved in a ‘repository’ and must be entered in full each time they are used.

If a link to a particular file (rather than webpage) is likely to be reused in future, consider adding the file itself to the question or request as this will place a copy in the document repository.

39. Can I remove a file from an application or request?

Yes, provided the application or request has not yet been submitted to TEQSA:

  • click on the ‘…’ icon next to the file you wish to remove from the response
  • click on the ‘…’ icon within the pop-up box that appears
  • select the ‘Delete’ menu option.

Note: This will not delete any instances of this file in the same application, other applications or requests, or the document repository. As users cannot delete files from the document repository itself, contact your Case Manager if any files need to be deleted from the document repository.

40. Can I replace an uploaded file with an updated version?

Yes, but only if the application or request has not yet been submitted to TEQSA:

1.  Replacing a document with an updated version with the same file name

  • Use the ‘+ new item’ or drag-and-drop functionality to add the new version of the document to the question or request. A message will appear asking if you want to replace the existing version or not. If you select ‘Replace It’, the new version applies to that question/request and the document repository.

2.  Replacing a document with an updated version with a different file name

Delete the existing document from the question/request (refer to Can I remove a file from an application or request?), and use the ‘+ new item’ or drag-and-drop functionality to add the new version of the document against the question/request. Both files will be available in the document repository.


  • replacing a document by following either set of steps described above will only apply to the unique instance of the document against the question or request concerned. If the ‘old’ document appears elsewhere in the same application, or in any other applications or requests, the other instances of the ‘old’ document will remain unchanged (i.e. not automatically deleted and/or updated)
  • version control will still apply when the same document is added, using the ‘+ new item’ or drag- and-drop functionality, to a different question in the same application. Use the ‘Assign from document repository’ functionality if you want to add the same document to multiple questions or requests - refer to How can I reuse a document already added for an application or request?
  • the document repository always contains the latest version of a document that has been added or refreshed anywhere in an application or request. Responses to questions in applications link to the specific version added to that question, even if a later version of the document is added against another question/request (thus updating the document repository)
  • any changes to document content or file name should be handled external to the portal before following the steps described above.

Application submission

41. How do I submit an application?

There is two-stage process to submit one or more applications:

1. Select the required application/s to submit from the Applications page (not Home page)

  • Select ‘Applications’ from the menu options in the portal banner at the top of the screen, and then select the ‘Not Submitted’ filter (under the ‘Applications’ heading, next to the search box)
  • Activate/select the ‘tick’ box against the relevant application/s for submission
  • Click on the ‘Submit all selected’ button.

2. Review the draft invoice, then either confirm or cancel the submission

  • Check the draft Submission Confirmation/Invoice to confirm that the correct application/s were selected
  • Click on the ‘Confirm Submission’ or ‘Cancel Submission’ button, as appropriate.

Once you have confirmed the submission, the final Submission Confirmation/Invoice can be accessed via the application/s you have just submitted - refer to What is the difference between the draft and final invoice? and How do I access a copy of the invoice for a submitted application?.

Note: Your application/s will only be submitted to TEQSA when you click on the ‘Confirm Submission’ button. Although you will see a ‘Processing…’ message while the system completes the submission process, you will not get a message following successful application submission - refer to How will I know that the application submission process was successful?.

42. What should I do if the actual invoice does not appear on the Draft Invoice page?

For most environments, the draft invoice should appear as an embedded PDF within the web page, beneath the ‘Draft Invoice’ heading and the ‘Confirm Submission’ and ‘Cancel Submission’ buttons.

If you do not see the draft invoice appear as an embedded PDF, it may have been downloaded as a PDF to your computer. Check for any newly created PDFs which may be the draft invoice. You may have to minimise one or more screens to display the ‘Open PDF’ command. Alternatively, the issue may be with your browser – refer to Which browsers can I use with the provider portal?.

43. What if the invoice displays but does not show any invoice items?

This situation will occur if you are trying to submit one or more course accreditation and/or re- accreditation applications that have not had any courses included in the application/s. Click on the ‘Cancel Submission’ button, add the required course/s to the relevant application/s and then attempt resubmission. Each course should appear in the invoice as a distinct invoice item.

44. Can applications with a status of ‘Awaiting Provider Completion’ actually be submitted?

Yes. Applications with a status of either ‘Awaiting Provider Completion’ or ‘Ready for Submission’ can be submitted.

It is not mandatory that the ‘Ready to Submit’ button be pressed within the application form to change the application’s status before it can be submitted. However, it is important that providers ensure that applications are complete and accurate, and double check the correct application/s are included in the draft Submission Confirmation/Invoice, before submitting them to TEQSA – refer to Can a submitted application be edited, or a submission reversed?.

45. Can multiple applications of the same or different types be submitted together?

Yes. If you have a large number of unsubmitted applications, you may need to use the sort/filter functionality of the applications list to get the relevant applications on the same page. The ‘Draft Invoice’ screen will display the applications proposed for submission together for final review before the submission is confirmed.

46. Will the portal check that an application is complete prior to submission?

No. There are no mandatory sections in any application form, and only a few mandatory fields in selected forms (e.g. the course name, AQF level and broad/narrow/detailed fields of education are required when adding courses in a course accreditation application). Providers must ensure that applications are complete and accurate, as included in the application declaration, before submitting them to TEQSA.

47. How will I know that the application submission process was successful?

Following successful application submission, you will be redirected to the ‘Not Submitted’ view of the Applications page. The application/s you just submitted will no longer appear in this list, but can now be found on the ‘Submitted’ or ‘All’ views of the Applications page.

48. How do I view a submitted application?

  • Select ‘Applications’ from the menu options in the portal banner at the top of the screen, and then select the ‘All’ or ‘Submitted’ filter (under the ‘Applications’ heading, next to the search box)
  • Click on the ‘…’ icon and select the ‘View Application’ menu option to access the application PDF (via URL, or ‘Application Snapshot’ in the document list), associated evidence, and final invoice PDF (via URL).

49. Can a submitted application be edited, or a submission reversed?

No. Submitted applications are ‘locked’ and the system does not allow ‘roll back’ or reversal of application submissions. Accordingly, it is important that providers ensure that applications are complete and accurate, and double check the correct application/s are included in the draft Submission Confirmation/Invoice, before submitting them to TEQSA.

If amendments are required to a submitted application, discuss the situation with your Case Manager. Options may include:

  • emailing the Case Manager, attaching updated/extra evidence
  • the Case Manager creating a request for the provider to use to upload the extra evidence via the portal.

Invoices and payment processing

50. How do I access a copy of the invoice for a submitted application?

  • Select ‘Applications’ from the menu options in the portal banner at the top of the screen
  • Select the ‘All’ or ‘Submitted’ filter (immediately under the ‘Applications’ heading, next to the search box)
  • Click on the ‘…’ icon next to the applicable application and select the ‘View Application’ menu option
  • Click on the Invoice link to view the Submission Confirmation/Invoice.

51. Does the provider have to pay before an application can actually be submitted?

No. Application submission via the provider portal is independent of payment processing. However, your application/s will not be reviewed until the application fee, if applicable, has been received by TEQSA.

52. What is the difference between the draft and final invoice?

The draft invoice is provided as part of the submission process to allow the provider to double check the application/s (and course/s, where applicable) selected for submission and confirm fee/s due, if applicable.

The final invoice can be accessed immediately after confirming a submission - refer to How do I access a copy of the invoice for a submitted application?.

Note: The draft invoice will only have an invoice ID (but no ‘Submitted’ date or ‘Submitted By’) at the top of the invoice, whereas the final invoice will include all of these details.

53. How can I access invoices for Substantive Assessment fees (applicable to applications for initial registration or course accreditation)?

Although initial invoices for fees relating to Preliminary Assessment and Full Assessment services are generated by the system, Substantive Assessment fees will appear on manually created invoices which will be emailed to providers by their Case Manager at an appropriate time (these will not be available on the provider portal).

Request management

54. Do I need to regularly check the portal to see if a new request has been added?

No. Case Managers will communicate with providers (via email or phone) about any new requests that have been made available in the provider portal.

55. How do I respond to a request?

Click on the ‘…’ icon next to the applicable request on the Home or Requests page, then select the ‘Respond to Request’ menu option. There are two main sections for documents:

Request Documentation From TEQSA

  • This section may contain documentation from your Case Manager regarding this request.

Provider Response Documents

  • This section is where the provider should add the response document/s (using the ‘+ new item’ option or drag-and-drop functionality).

    Note: if you want to add a text response in addition to documents, create a document (e.g. Word or PDF) containing your text response and upload this file under the Provider Response Documents section.

When the response is complete, use the ‘Submit’ button to submit the request to TEQSA. This will alert the Case Manager to the fact that your response to the request is now ready for review.

56. How do I manage evidence (documents and links) when responding to a request?

Refer to the FAQs under Evidence (context, documents and links) management.


57. I get a red error message when trying to sign in

  • Ensure that you are using the correct username and password when trying to sign in
  • If you have forgotten your password, or get this error message after a few attempts to sign in, use the ‘Forgotten your login details?’ function from the Sign In page to reset your password
  • If you get a red error message after entering your username on the ‘Have you forgotten your password?’ page, it could be that you have entered the wrong username or that your account has been locked due to too many unsuccessful login attempts - in this instance, you will need to contact your Case Manager.

58. I can sign in and change my temporary password, but cannot get into the portal after pressing the ‘Continue’ button

Ensure that you are using an internet browser that is compatible with the portal – refer to Which internet browsers can I use to access the provider portal?.

59. I have previously seen an invoice for an application that is still showing as ‘Not Submitted’ in the portal

The invoice you saw was a draft invoice, generated in the first stage of the two-stage submission process. You must press the ‘Confirm Submission’ button on the ‘Draft Invoice’ screen to complete the submission process – refer to How do I submit an application?.

Each time the first stage of the submission process is actioned, the draft invoice created will have a unique ID number.

Note: the draft invoice will only have an invoice ID (but no ‘Submitted’ date or ‘Submitted By’) at the top of the invoice, whereas the final invoice will include all of these details.

60. Nothing happens when I click on the ‘Open in New Window’ button

Ensure that your browser’s pop-up blocker is disabled or that the portal is an exception/allowed site.

  • In Chrome:
    • click on the square button with three horizontal lines to the right of the address bar at the top of the screen (if you hover over the button, the text ‘Customize and control Google Chrome’ will display)
    • click on the ‘Settings’ menu option
    • scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the ‘Show advanced settings…’ link
    • click on the ‘Content settings…’ button under the ‘Privacy’ heading
    • scroll down to the Pop-ups heading and either select ‘Allow all sites to show pop-ups’ or click on the ‘Manage exceptions…’ button and add [*.] to the list of ‘Pop-up exceptions’ and click on the ‘Done’ button
    • click on the ‘Done’ button.
  • Internet Explorer:
    • click on the cog icon in the top right corner of the screen
    • click on the ‘Internet options’ menu option
    • click on the ‘Privacy’ tab
    • either untick the checkbox next to ‘Turn on Pop-up Blocker’ or click on the ‘Settings’ button under the Pop-up Blocker heading and add to the list of ‘Allowed sites’ and click on the ‘Close’ button
    • click on the ‘OK’ button.