#TEQSA24 conference recordings available
Full-length recordings are now available of every session from the #TEQSA24 Conference.
Session 1
Master of Ceremonies, Professor Braden Hill, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students, Equity and Indigenous), Edith Cowan University
Keynote address: Winning the productivity prize in Australia
Danielle Wood, Chair, Productivity Commission
Minister’s address
The Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Education
Session 2
Panel: Tertiary harmonisation – setting a new course to benefit Australia
Chair: Dr Sam McAuliffe, Acting Assistant Director, Policy and Research, TEQSA
- Adrienne Nieuwenhuis, Acting Chief Commissioner, TEQSA
- David Turvey, Executive Director, Jobs and Skills Australia
- Christina Bolger, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Australian Skills Quality Authority
- David Coltman, Chief Executive, TAFE SA and Deputy Board Chair, TAFE Directors Australia
Panel: Uniting perspectives – fostering governance excellence to embrace challenges
Chair: Professor Kerri-Lee Krause, Chair, Higher Education Standards Panel
- Peggy O’Neal AO, Chancellor, RMIT University and former President of the Richmond Football Club
- Mark Rigotti MAICD, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Australian Institute of Company Directors
- The Hon John Brumby AO, Chancellor, La Trobe University and former Premier of Victoria
Session 3
Panel: Navigating challenges and change on the road to self-assurance – provider case studies
Chair: Dr Mary Russell, Chief Executive Officer, TEQSA
- Professor Taryn Jones, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education), Macquarie University
- Professor Maggie Kappelhoff, Provost, Sydney College of Divinity
Panel: Exploring perspectives of the real student experience
Chair: Professor Braden Hill, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students, Equity and Indigenous), Edith Cowan University
- Ngaire Bogemann, President, National Union of Students and 3rd year arts student
- Lisa Bolton, Director, QILT Research and Strategy, Social Research Centre
- Kathleen Nelly, Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success advisory board member and student
- Professor Kylie Readman, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students), University of Technology Sydney
Session 4
Presentation: TEQSA priorities and looking ahead
Dr Mary Russell, Chief Executive Officer, TEQSA
Panel: Climbing the next mountain – a view from the peaks
Chair: Adrienne Nieuwenhuis, Acting Chief Commissioner, TEQSA
- Luke Sheehy, Chief Executive Officer, Universities Australia
- Dr David Perry, Chair, Independent Higher Education Australia
- Jenny Dodd, Chief Executive Officer, TAFE Directors Australia
Closing keynote: The Australian Universities Accord – Transforming big ideas into real-world reform
Tony Cook PSM, Secretary, Department of Education and Chair, Implementation Advisory Committee
Conference close
Professor Braden Hill, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students, Equity and Indigenous), Edith Cowan University