TEQSA streamlines self-accrediting authority process
In line with the 2021 changes to the Higher Education Standards (Threshold Standards) Framework, TEQSA has streamlined the process for Australian higher education institutions to apply for limited, unlimited or variations to their existing self-accrediting authority (SAA).
The simplified framework for SAA will enable TEQSA to assess a provider’s capacity to consistently meet the requirements for course accreditation without regulator approval or intervention.
Providers with limited SAA can accredit one or more higher education courses of study, or current and future higher education courses of study in a specific combination of levels or fields of education.
Providers with unlimited SAA can accredit all current and future higher education courses of study in any level or field of education.
Providers can also apply to vary the scope of an existing limited SAA.
Prior to applying for SAA, TEQSA encourages providers to familiarise themselves with the relevant criteria of Part B in the HES Framework and TEQSA Act.
TEQSA also suggests that providers making an SAA application undertake the process concurrently with their re-registration application. Significant parts of the evidence provided in a renewal of registration application, particularly those parts relating to academic governance and quality assurance processes, are relevant to the SAA criteria. Submitting the applications concurrently may reduce the time spent preparing these applications.
When it is not practical for providers to lodge an SAA application at the same time as their re-registration application, providers may choose to lodge a standalone SAA application. TEQSA will review information already submitted before requesting further evidence when assessing a standalone application.
Applications for SAA must be made through TEQSA’s Provider Portal and include all evidence specified by TEQSA in the scoping letter and confirmed evidence table. Please refer to our guidance note on file naming and size conventions.
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